Last seen: Nov 29, 2024
@alishar welcome here man! Join also our Discord VoiceChannel to make it easier to team up!
@justbob welcome on board mate, first I want to say that we totally understand you and we will take this also very good in our minds when you are in t...
@silvian welcome to the clan mate! Let's team up and when you can visit our Discord voice channel for easier communication and laughter!
@Lucio welcome to the clan man! Let's have many fun hours of team play and laughters together!
@billyiod i recommand to connect with us on Discord and become part of our community we do these things together as a team and being on discord makes ...
@xero welcome to TFD Crew enjoy gaming and join Discord to communicate and play together!
@viaki Welcome to TFD Crew enjoy playing with us and join our VC in Discord!